Friday, January 20, 2012

The Force is with us...

I've been a fan of Star Wars since I was a kid. Like many folks, I had a hard time accepting the more recent movies as part of the series... what can I say, I'm a classicist.

Anyways, one thing that I really love is stumbling upon fun Star Wars gear on the internet. It never fails to blow my mind how inovative and creative some fans are... Here are a few of my favorite Star Wars products.

A Chewbacca backpack. You can carry Chewie with you wherever you go.
Amazon - Chewbacca Backpack

 This is just a conceptual design, but it's pretty cool. Check out the facebook page...

Storm Trooper USB drive. Super cute. 

Taun Taun sleeping bag. From what I understand, this was actually an April Fools joke that was such a hit that they actually made it! That and the zipper on the sleeping bag is a little lightsaber. 

There are some super creative folks at Etsy and one one of them made a Yoda hat for babies. SUPER CUTE.   ETSTY Yoda Hat

What is your favorite Star Wars item?

When did my toddler turn into a cat

Watching a child develop from infant into an independant little person with ideas of her own is pretty incredible. My baby is stepping into toddlerhood. I knew that my little one would be exploring and teaching herself about the world, but I had no idea that she would turn into a cat.

That's right... I said that my child acts like a cat.

In fact, she's even taken up playing with a ball of yarn... no lie. But it's not just this one little cliche thing. Check out some of these quotes and replace "cat" with "toddler."

  • These aren't my thoughts, they're my cat walking on the keyboard.
  • To a cat, "No!" means "Not while I'm looking".
  • A cats worst enemy is a closed door.
  • Anything not nailed down is a cat toy.
  • Never try to outstubborn a cat
  • cat will ignore you until you really need to get something done.

  • Cat Quotes

    See what I mean? Now, I know that all kids are different and there are adults that act like cats, too, but the transformation for my own little one was so stark... it took me a bit by surprise. The line between "I really need you to hold me right now" and "Um, excuse me I'm kind of busy and can't hang out with you right now... could you please stop looking at me... I'm trying to do something here" can be crossed in a milisecond and without any warning. If you persist, there could be consequences. Don't start paying attention to someone else... the toddler must have you to themselves. If you're hanging out reading a book, they REALLY need you to do something right now. If you want to cuddle... "um, sorry... I'm kinda of busy right now."

    With a toddler, you never know what to expect. Just like with cats. I kind of love it.